Trademark Policies
Company Name
When referring to the company that owns the Diva Royale brand, it is unnecessary to use the typographic conventions for trademarks that set them apart from the rest of the text, such as all capital letters or italics.
Correct: I called the Diva Royale office.
Correct: I work for Diva Royale.
When using "Diva Royale" to refer to the goods and services offered by the company, it is appropriate to use a typographic convention, such as all capital letters, italics, or ™, SM, or ®, to signify that the term is a trademark. The symbols ™ and SM are abbreviations for "trademark" and "service mark" and are used with common-law (unregistered) marks. The symbol ® identifies a mark that is registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Further Information and Permission
For further information about the company, the proper use of its trademarks, or permission to use its trademarks, please contact